BBBS - IMS - June 2022- Fuji - 130

Giving Societies

Engage with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Indiana in a deeper way as a donor. Click below to learn about the various giving societies that you can be a part of.

Light One Match Society

The Light One Match Society is a distinguished giving circle that encompasses a group of donors making gifts of $1,000- $9,999 to assist Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Indiana in creating and supporting mentoring relationships each fiscal year.

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Visionary Society

To honor and forever recognize the impact of Larry & Lisa Sablosky and Charlie Brown & Louise Tetrick, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Indiana established the Visionary Society, welcoming and celebrating major donors who make annual contributions of $10,000 or more.

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Legacy Giving Society

The Legacy Giving Society is a distinct group of philanthropists who choose to include Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Indiana in their estate planning because they recognize the transformational impact mentorship can have on kids.

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