
Our Vision

All youth achieve their full potential.

Our Mission

To create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth.

Our Plan for the Future

Read the overview of BBBSCI’s 2023-2025 Strategic & Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) plan.

What We Do

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Indiana serves 1,100+ youth annually ages 8 – 18 in Hamilton, Johnson, and Marion Counties. We believe that inherent in every young person is the potential to thrive, and we partner with parents/caregivers, volunteers, schools, and the donors in our community to help youth achieve:

  • Higher aspirations, greater confidence, and better relationships;
  • Educational success; and
  • Avoidance of risky behaviors.

Our Commitment to Justice, Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion

BBBSCI is committed to ongoing learning and growth in the space of justice, equity, diversity, & inclusion (JEDI). Together, we affirm that every person should have the opportunity to reach their full, inherent potential in an environment where everybody feels respected and valued.

Our Programs

One-to-One Mentoring

In partnership with parents and caregivers, we match young people with one (Big) or two (Big Couple or Big Friends) caring adult mentors to listen, affirm, and walk stand by them.

One-to-Many Mentoring

In partnership with Butler University, young people are matched with Butler students in a 1:3 mentor-mentee ratio for weekly two-hour session over the span of eight weeks.

Services to Referred Youth

In an effort to support more kids referred and waiting for a mentor, BBBSCI has partnered with 9+ collaborative and 17+ connective partners to provide additional services while they wait.

2022-2023 Financial Information



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2023-2024 DONOR LIST

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2023-2024 MATCH LIST

121 KB pdf

Agency Policies

For more information about agency policies, click the button to read more.